Services & Fees
Below are the common services and fees for residents of Hay Creek Township.
The township does not have any emergency services. Please call 911. The non-emergency number for the sheriff’s office is 651-385-3155.
The quality of township roads is important for the safety of residents and visitors. If any resident sees an issue with a township road, please email the township. If this is an emergency, please contact a township supervisor. Please read this posting on Township roads before calling.
Building Permits
Building permits are required in Hay Creek township. To apply for a building permit, 1) Click here to download the application, 2) fill it out (online preferred) and print it, 3) seek township approval, and 4) seek County approval (as stated on the form.
Other types of Land Use Requests
Interim Use Permits
“An ‘interim use’ is a temporary use of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it,” per MN Statute 462.3597. Interim Use permits are governed by Town Ordinances and amendments (see files below). A zoning application, checklist and process flow charts can be downloaded in the document section at the top of this page.
Variances to the zoning ordinance may be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and when the variances are consistent with the land use plan. Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. “Practical difficulties,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties (per MN Statute 462.357). Use the zoning application form in the document section at the top of this page to apply for a variance.
Amendments are used to change ordinances or formal regulations imposed by a town board to govern the community, which are generally enforceable by criminal prosecution. “An amendment to a zoning ordinance may be initiated by the governing body, the planning agency, or by petition of affected property owners as defined in the zoning ordinance,” (per MN Statute 462.357). Use the zoning application form in the document section at the top of this page to apply for an amendment.
Zoning and Platting
See article 19 of the County Ordinance for guidance on zoning and platting. Township approvals are required as well.
2013 Zoning Ordinance Click Here
2013 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Click Here
2022 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Click Here
Res.Entity Correction And Ord.No. 2001 Click Here
Zoning Application 2013 Click Here
Building Permit | $50 | N/A |
Interim Use Permit / Amended IUP | $250 | $5,000 |
Variance | $250 | $2,000 |
Amendment | $250 | $2,000 |
Appeal | $250 | $2,000 |
After-The-Fact Permit | Two times the regular fee | N/A |
Subdivision | $250 | $2,000 |
*Fees are non-refundable.
** The escrow amount must be deposited with the Town and is used by the Town to reimburse itself for the actual professional costs it incurs to process the request. If the escrowed amount is not sufficient to fully reimburse the Town its costs, the application will be billed or required to submit additional funds to be placed in escrow. Any unreimbursed amounts constitute a service charge the Town will certify to the County Auditor for collection on the applicant’s property as provided in Minn. Stat. § 366.012.